Wednesday, April 19, 2017

One Ingredient Fruit Roll-ups


I went through this phase a couple months ago where I couldn't get enough strawberries. I had a few with every meal and they were my go-to snack. Sprouts had a sale on them at this time (thank goodness) and we bought four Clam-shells of them. Well, two Clam-shells later, my phase died away and the strawberries remained. So as not to waste them, I shoved those puppies in the freezer for another day. 

Fruit Leather!

Am I the only one who was obsessed with fruit roll-ups or fruit leather as a kid? I loved how chewy they were and of course the sugar rush was a bonus. Today I was feeling nostalgic and really craving those childhood treats. However, being a shame filled adult I knew it wouldn't be the most nutritious option. Yet, it's 2017, what a time to be alive! We have the power of Pinterest and I took to it's depths to research healthy fruit roll ups. I finally came across this recipe  for fruit leather and remembering my stash of berries decided to give it shot (with some minor adjustments). 

From Rocks to Leather...

On the site I found on Pinterest, Sarah used fresh strawberries and sugar. Trying to cut sugar out of my diet, I only had the strawberries on hand and decided to just use those as my one and only ingredient. I also used frozen strawberries instead and it made the experience a loud but fun one. Try it out yourself and let me know how it worked for you!!


1 Clam-shell of Strawberries (fresh or frozen)

What to Do:

1. Turn your oven to the lowest setting. (My oven went as low as 170℉, some go to 150℉)

2. Make sure you take the leaves off your strawberries and put them into the food processor. 

3. Blend up your berries until you have a beautiful pink sorbet-like mixture.

Doesn't that look good enough to scoop right into a bowl? Yum!
4. Pour the mixture out onto a sheet pan with a silicone mat (if you don't have a mat, just use parchment paper; but make sure it's lined with something). 

Just a little free advertising for Artisan Metal Works' silicone mats, LOVE this thing!
 5. Get out a handy dandy rubber spatula (a spoon works just as well too if you use the back of it) and begin spreading the mixture into an even layer in your lined baking pan. 

This smells like heaven, I debated at this point at just eating it as is!
6. Once you have a smooth, even layer place your berry mush into your pre-heated oven and forget it for 6-8 hours (6 hours at 170℉ or 8 hours at 150℉). This is the best part unless you are like me and want the instant gratification of your home-made fruit leather but your patience will be worth it!

7. When the timer is up, pull out your pan and make sure your fruit is dried enough so that there isn't still a wet goop in the middle. The outer edges will look slightly darker than the rest of your leather but you can just break them off and much while you prepare your strips (they are delicious)! Let pan cool to room temperature, this won't take long. 

Tasty leather sheet....sounds weird, smells and tastes amazing!
 8. Take out a paring knife and cut your mixture into even strips. If you used parchment paper, you can use that as your roll-up/leather backing and just roll em up! If you used a silicone sheet like mine, just pull your strips off and gently roll them up and voila! They are ready to enjoy or you can put them  in a sandwich bag for later enjoyment with your lunches, kid's lunches, or tasty nutritious snacks!

Beautiful and tasty!!

Give these a shot, they were easy to make and obviously taste great, try them with other berries and let me know what you think!

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